
Who’s behind the project?

The project, in partnership with Tendring District Council, has been created and delivered, on behalf of Mayflower 400™️ and 150 Years of Clacton, by KAT Marketing, a full, dynamic, creative agency with a longstanding background in events.

Delivering digital and traditional marketing campaigns in Essex, London and across the East of England, KAT Marketing was the driving force behind the highly acclaimed Stand Tall for Giraffes campaign in 2013, which marked Colchester Zoo’s 50th birthday, and its ongoing legacy for the town. An amazing £115,400 was raised for charity from the auction of the giraffe sculptures.

The KAT Marketing team is pleased to have delivered and supported the creation and implementation of Octopus Ahoy! for Mayflower 400™️, 150 Years of Clacton, and Harwich, Tendring and the wider Essex area. Over £50,000 was raised on the evening of the auction (with more still being raised!), which will form donations to Essex Community Foundation and the Mayflower Legacy Fund (part of the Tendring Community Fund).

What is a sculpture project?

The concept of sculpture trails is known worldwide, having been staged throughout the UK, Europe and Africa – from Liverpool’s Superlambanana, Wenlock and Mandeville made famous throughout the 2012 Olympics and the huge international project that started it all, Cow Parade. These types of project provide a sense of community, give businesses – and the public – the chance to be imaginative and embrace art on a large scale and above all, they’re fun!

Other local projects in recent years include Stand Tall for Giraffes for Colchester Zoo’s 50th birthday, and Pigs Gone Wild and Elmer’s Parade in Ipswich for St Elizabeth Hospice.

Octopus Ahoy! joins the list of vibrant community art projects that paved the way… a free activity for one and all to enjoy in the summer months – and all for very worthy causes!

Celebrations in Tendring for the summer of 2021

From 150 years of Clacton through to 400 years of Mayflower (401!), we were delighted that the Octopus Ahoy! project served to provide much-needed post-lockdown joy in the area and was the very best stay-cation summer entertainment ever! The Octopus Ahoy! app had amazing prizes and rewards from locals and national companies in the area – octopus hunters bagged themselves some freebies and entered our prize draws simply by enjoying octopus sculptures and scanning their QR codes on the bases.

Did you join us in celebrating art, helping local businesses and enjoying the educational benefits of this project this summer?


Octopus Ahoy! Summer Trail



Octopus Ahoy! hit the streets
25th June-5th September 2021

The Clacton Breeze became the Octo-mobile for this summer
Unveiled 29th May

Octopus Ahoy! school’s design winner was announced at Clacton Pier
May Half term

The Electric Palace Harwich received some very special guests…
May Half Term

Octopus Ahoy! App
Available to download from 1st June

‘Journey to a thousand Stars’ – octopus created by Mik Richardson and sponsored by Dura Composites
Installed into Liverpool Street on 30th June

Trail finishes – Octopus Ahoy!
Off the streets from 5th September

Auction at Le Talbooth
23rd September